VAT Training Session for Employees

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VAT Training

VAT Training Session for Employees

We organized a training session on VAT for all our members to understand and appreciate its implementation. Mr Yaser Arafath, Partner at Catapult Accounting & Bookkeeping, presented the session. As expected members had concerns and doubts pertaining to VAT which had to be clarified enabling them to share that knowledge with customers and Insurers alike.

The session started on time with the explanation of VAT, followed by record keeping and processing of invoices & communication. VAT pertaining to the Insurance industry was focused. The presenter touched on the exempted, zero-rated and taxed industries as well.

As the session was interactive many members asked relevant questions, which were answered enhancing the level of confidence.

As the guiding principle of the organization, the management has always been empowering its team members to enhance their knowledge to attain necessary confidence in efficiently dealing with its clients.

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