Our Team, Our Strength
“Team Millennium”, comprising of qualified professional with local expertise, is ready to meet
the challenges of ever-changing market conditions, unified by a shared mission: to exceed our
clients’ expectations. With an average age of 35, we consider ourselves still young and energetic
with a lot to learn and offer.
Our team is cosmopolitan, well balanced with ethnic and gender mix, nurtured and groomed constantly, encouraged for professional progression.
To achieve an overall personal development and well-being, leading to enhanced working harmony, team members are constantly engaged in qualitative drives through internal communications and frequent change of roles with a quest for widening knowledge and enhancing skills.
Although our internal structure allows our team members to enhance knowledge and skills, it allows required specialisation in niche areas which includes Engineering, Health, Liability, Marine and Motor fleets just to name a few.
Team Structure
- Board of Directors
- Management
- Supervisory
- Coordination
- Assistance